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Enter a quilt (or for Next Generation Quilters a quilted item) at any participating fair that is a member of the Association of Connecticut Fairs in any of the categories mentioned above.
The participating fair will award one winner in each category with a rosette from the Association of Connecticut Fairs along with any awards the local fair provides. Each fair will submit that winning entry to the state contest. A quilt can be entered in as many fairs as a contestant wishes until it becomes eligible to go to the state contest. Please note an Exhibitor can only represent 1 Quilt or Quilted item per Category at the State Quilt Contest in November.
Location: Holiday Inn Norwich, Norwich, CT
8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.: Drop-off Quilts (pre-registered)
5:00 p.m.: Banquet
Please check the ACF website for updates.