Officers, Directors & Member Fairs of the Association of Connecticut Fairs
Date: Sunday, October 13, 2024
Times: 2:00 pm
Location: 245 Wolcott Road, Wolcott, CT 06716
forward this message on to your board members & volunteers. We look
forward to meeting people from all of our member fairs
Everyone involved with a member organization is welcome.
All Directors should be in attendance as many important topics will be covered.
January 12, 2020, at the directors meeting held in Durham, it was voted
upon that all directors and committees must attend the two annual
meetings (meeting portion is no charge) and the 4 directors meetings in
order to get their annual pass to all fairs. We will accept two excused
absences but you must notify an officer. Excused absences will not be
allowed for annual meetings except for circumstances beyond a persons
Director's meetings, Spring Meeting and Fall Meeting.
Sunday January 28,2024 Director's Meeting 2pm
Saturday April 6,2024 Spring Meeting, Hebron Fairgrounds
Sunday April 21,2024 Director's Meeting 2pm Wallingford Grange
Sunday July 21,2024 Director's Meeting 2pm
Sunday October 13,2024 Director's Meeting 2pm