Baking Contests
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Baking Contests

Congratulations to the 2024 Winners of the State Baking Contests
  • Adult Baking - Zebra Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting
    • 1st: Rebecca Augur - Wallingford Grange Fair
    • 2nd: Betty DeLise - North Haven Fair
    • 3rd: Carol Fong - Simsbury Grange Agricultural Fair
  • Junior Baking - Hermits
    • 1st: John Paul Champagne - Lebanon Country Fair
    • 2nd: Hailey Bovin - Litchfield County 4-H Fair
    • 3rd: Gage Burkhardt - Riverton Fair
  • Two-Crusted Apple Pie Contest
    • 1st: Denise Bollig - Woodstock Fair
    • 2nd: Caitlin McClure - Wolcott Country Fair
    • 3rd: Erica Veronesi - North Haven Fair
Swedish Braided Bread
Swedish Thumbprint Cookies
Apple Pie Contest

2025 Baking Contests Rules

Each year The Association of Connecticut Fairs sponsors baking contests open to the public at participating member fairs. There are separate contests for Junior and Adult divisions, each with a specific recipe. A Two-Crusted Apple Pie Baking contest is also held.
WHO MAY ENTER: The contest at each participating member fair is open to all men, women and juniors. Commercial, industrial or professional bakers are not eligible. Divisions: Juniors (ages 7 to 15 as of July 1st) and Adult.
HOW TO ENTER: All men, women or juniors entering a contest at any participating member fair is automatically entered and competing in the local contest. Contestants may enter the contest at as many fairs as they wish until they win first prize. They will then represent that fair at the state baking contest. Please submit entries to both the local and state contest on disposable plates. The Association of Connecticut Fairs and the member fairs are not responsible for the return of plates, trays or containers.
JUDGING: Judging will be based on appearance, flavor and texture. The Association of Connecticut Fairs will furnish judges’ score sheets to each fair and the contestant will receive these sheets at the end of the contest. Additions, deletions or substitutions in the recipe are not permitted and will result in disqualification. All decisions of the judges are final.
LOCAL CONTEST: The winner of the local contest will receive a blue ribbon from the Association of Connecticut Fairs and will then become eligible to submit their entry at the state contest. In the event that only one entry is received at the local contest and that entry is worthy of first prize, that entry must be awarded the first place ribbon.
STATE CONTEST: The state contest is held as part of the Fall Meeting and Convention of the Association of Connecticut Fairs. Entries for the state contest are accepted from 8:00 am to 10:00 a.m. on the day of the judging (contact your local fair or visit for the date and location). Contest winners are announced at the Fall Meeting. Each fair is responsible for contacting their contest winner and providing them with information. The Association of Connecticut Fairs does not contact individual fairs or contest winners in regards to contest and banquet reservations nor does the Association of Connecticut Fairs cover the costs of attending the awards banquet. NO BANQUET RESERVATIONS FOR CONTEST WINNERS WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THE DOOR.
For any questions, please contact Laurie Skornia, Baking Committee Chairman at:
  • Email: baking (at)
  • Phone: 203-464-0933

In 2025 the following organizations are providing ribbons, prizes and/or awards at the State Baking Contest held in November.

Bishop’s Orchards – Providing bags of apples for the apple pie bakers

King Arthur Baking
All winners will also receive a ribbon from King Arthur Baking Company
The gift cards can also be redeemed at the Baker’s Store in Norwich, VT (2 hr 15 min north of Hartford, exit 13 on 91)


King Arthur Baking Company Logo
Baking Sponsor
Bishops Orchards
Baking Sponsor
King Arthur Baking Company would love to sponsor a baking contest at your fair!
King Arthur Baking Company will supply the prizes, recipes and ribbons.
For more information please contact King Arthur Baking Contests at:
Bishop's Orchards of Guilford, CT (Exit 57 on I-95)
Thank you to Bishop's Orchards for providing donations of prizes to be given to the finalists of the Two-Crusted Apple Pie Contest held at the Fall Meeting of The Connecticut Association of Fairs in 2024.
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